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Online photo box with own equipment

Build an own photo box with Smartphones or computers with webcams

Build their own photo box for the next celebration. Whether your guests of the fun guaranteed wedding or family reunion, with the photo box is. Only two devices are different requires as the rented photo boxes of professional providers. It's all free, because your devices are used.

Almost every any Smartphone, Tablet, computer or TV can be used as a device. Internet access in all units is required. Moreover, a device must have a camera.

Following a possible construction of a photo box:

Online photo box construction


If a green or blue screen is used (also known as green screen or blue screen), then a selected image is used as the background image.

Now start your own photo box
CameraPhoto releaseTV

Use the photo box camera from this unit

Launch camera photo box

Use this device as a trigger for the photo box


Use this device as an indicator for the last image of the photo box