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Distances to other places

Distances to different locations can be calculated with this app

Please enter a location in the box above.

It is tabular enumerated the distance to neighboring towns. This is the shortest distance, also air line called.

The second table lists the nearest remote places to other countries.

The third and fourth table list places, which are on the same longitude and latitude.

The next table shows distances to major cities and to the North Pole to the South Pole and Equator.

Starting point and destination can be chosen with the help of a map. A new location on the map is selected with the Red marking. This is done through a click, or through pushing the mark.

In addition, the direction of the destination is calculated.

The remotest places are shown in the last table.

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from
© OpenStreetMap and Mitwirkende, CC-BY-SA