Searchable documents:
- Web pages
- MIME (MHTML, EML-mail, etc..)
- Javascript
- Shockwave Flash (SWF)
- OpenSearch
- robots.txt
- sitemap.xml
- browserconfig.xml
- RSS feed / ATOM feed
- Text documents
- RTF documents
- PDF documents
- Office Open XML - documents (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX)
- Open document format - documents (ODT, ODS, ODP)
- XPS documents / OXPS documents
Document (TeX, BiB)- Old Word document format (DOC)
- Graphics
- Pictures (JPEG, GIF, PNG, etc..)
- WebP
- Icons
- SVG vector graphics
- Compressed files
- ZIP archive
- GZip (GZ, TGZ)
- Binary files / applications
- Applications (EXE) / DLL
- CHM - Help file
- Visual Studio solutions SLN / Visual Studio projects
- Other files
- Text files (TXT)
- Log files (LOG)
- Keyhole markup language (KML)
- M3U-playlists
Searchable HTML tags:
- Links <a href="...">...</a>
- Pictures <img src="...">
- Forms <form action="...">...</form>
- Scripts <script src="...">
- Frames and iframes <frame src="...">
- CSS styles
- and much more...
Supported protocols:
- HTTP "http://"
- HTTPS "https://"
- FTP "ftp://"
- Local files
- UNC paths (Uniform Naming Convention)
- Data URL (Embedded data)
- WebSocket "ws://"
- E-Mail addresses "mailto:" (Only DNS MX query to host)
Export interfaces:
- Graphviz
- Graph Modelling Language (GML)
- CSV-Table
- Web server access log file
- SQL-Dump