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TiltShiftCreator download

Turn photos into fascinating miniatures to | The program can be downloaded here

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The download, installation and use of the offered software is done at your own risk. Any liability for any damage or loss of data is excluded.
By the:01/05/2021
Downloads:23807 x
Size portable:290 kB
Size installation:517 kB
Prerequisite:.NET 4.5
Architecture:x 86 / x 64
Program type:Freeware
Review:Positive62   Negative review33
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TiltShiftCreator TiltShiftCreator

Screenshot of TiltShiftCreator

Turn photos into fascinating miniatures to

Every arbitrary image and AVI video can this program be opened and free transform into a miniature landscape or toy world.
Therefore, no expensive lens or fee-based image editing software is required.

It is advisable to choose a photo, which was recorded at an angle from above. Best landscape images are suitable for this effect.

Using the slider links is the blur effect (Soft focus) set. The field is set in the image itself. Thus the desired area to be highlighted.
The slider right is the contrast, saturation, and brightness adjusted. In addition a vignetting can be set.

Sample images can be found here:

For this application, the Microsoft Framework .NET 4.5 is necessary. Click here to download the framework.

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